Wind Energy Industry in the US and Canada: A Note on the Regulatory
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The US and Canada are largely dependent on imports of fossil fuels such as oil and natural gas to meet their power requirements. The fossil fuel reserves are limited in nature and are being continuously depleted with the rise in consumption. The increasing demand for energy coupled with the near-stagnant supply of fossil fuels has resulted in rise in fuel prices. Consumption of fossil fuels for power generation also results in emission of greenhouse gases3 (GHG) that are detrimental to the ecosystem......
These fuels are imported from certain regions such as the Middle East, where an unstable political climate in certain countries puts the consistency in supply of fossil fuels at stake.......
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Further, oil prices in the international market are highly volatile and cause a major capital drain for the US and Canada.
In the US and Canada, transportation sector accounts for the major chunk of oil consumption, in contrast with the rest of the world where majority of oil is used for electricity generation.........
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